Exploration Program At Mann Lake Uranium Project
VANCOUVER, BC - Skyharbour Resources Ltd. reported that it will be carrying out a Phase 1 Field Program consisting of a ground-based electromagnetic (EM) survey this summer on its 60% owned Mann Lake Uranium Project. The property is strategically located on the east side of the Athabasca Basin 25 km southwest of Cameco's McArthur River Mine and 15 km northeast and along strike of Cameco's Millennium uranium deposit.
Skyharbour's Mann Lake property is also adjacent to the Mann Lake Joint Venture operated by Cameco (52.5%) with partners Denison Mines (30%) and AREVA (17.5%). Recently, Denison acquired International Enexco and its 30% interest in the Mann Lake Joint Venture after the 2014 winter drill program discovered high-grade, basement-hosted uranium mineralization. The drill program intersected 2.31% eU3O8 over 5.1 meters including 10.92% eU3O8 over 0.4 meters.
EMpulse Geophysics of Dalmeny, Saskatchewan will conduct a ground EM survey beginning in August. The natural source transient magnetotelluric survey will consist of a block of 4 profiles totaling 10 km of coverage using the Internal Field Gradient ("IFG") technique. The survey will focus on a zone in the southern portion of the Mann Lake property where a favorable, 2 km long aeromagnetic low coincides with possible basement conductor trends indicated by prior ground EM surveys. The objective is to generate one or more basement conductor targets in a setting proximal to the recent high-grade discovery made by Cameco and International Enexco back in March.